Текст песни: He Touched Me (Barbara Straisent)

Содержание: Текст песни: He Touched Me (Barbara Straisent). Слова: He touched me, he put his hand near mine And then he touched me I felt a sudden tingle when he touched me A sparkle, a glow He knew it...It wasn't accidental, no, he knew ...

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текст песни Barbara Straisent - He Touched Me

He Touched MeBarbara Straisentтекст песни

    He touched me, he put his hand near mine
    And then he touched me
    I felt a sudden tingle when he touched me
    A sparkle, a glow
    He knew it...It wasn't accidental, no, he knew it
    He smiled and seem to tell me so all through it
    He knew it, I know...
    He's real, and the world is alive and shining
    I feel such a wonderful drive t'wards valentining
    He touched me; I simply have to face the fact
    He touched me...
    Control myself and try to act
    As if I remember my name
    But he touched me...He touched me...
    And suddenly nothing is the same!
    'Cause he touched me...He touched me...
    And suddenly...nothing, nothing, nothing is the same


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