Текст песни: Anything for you (Evanescence)

Содержание: Текст песни: Anything for you (Evanescence). Слова: I'd give anything to give me to you Can you forget the world that you thought you knew If you want me Come and find me Nothing's stopping you So please release me I'll ...

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текст песни Evanescence - Anything for you

Anything for youEvanescenceтекст песни

    I'd give anything to give me to you
    Can you forget the world that you thought you knew
    If you want me
    Come and find me
    Nothing's stopping you
    So please release me
    I'll believe all your lies
    Just pretend you love me
    Make believe, close your eyes
    I'll be anything for you

    Nothing left to make me feel anymore
    There's only you and everyday I need more
    If you want me
    Come and find me
    I'll do anything you say
    Just tell me
    I'll believe all your lies
    Just pretend you love me
    Make believe, close your eyes
    I'll be anything for you
    I'll believe all your lies
    Just pretend you love me
    Make believe, close your eyes
    I'll be anything for you
    Anything for you
    I'll become your earth and sky
    Forever never die
    I'll be
    Everything you need
    I'll believe all your lies
    Just pretend you love me
    Make believe, close your eyes
    I'll be anything for you
    I'll believe all your lies
    Just pretend you love me
    Make believe, close your eyes
    I'll be anything for you


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