Текст песни: When You Love Soeone (Anita Backer & James Ingram)

Содержание: Текст песни: When You Love Soeone (Anita Backer & James Ingram). Слова: Were we ever, did we used it up too fast Our great moments never meant to last And the last thing that I want Is to ever make your smile go away Keep our memories Take ...

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текст песни Anita Backer & James Ingram - When You Love Soeone

When You Love SoeoneAnita Backer & James Ingramтекст песни

    Were we ever, did we used it up too fast
    Our great moments never meant to last
    And the last thing that I want
    Is to ever make your smile go away

    Keep our memories
    Take the best of what we had
    I can't stand to watch what once was great go by
    And I can't be with and I rather just remember what we knew

    When you love someone
    And you love them with your heart
    And it doesn't disappear if you're apart
    When you love someone
    And you've done all you can do
    Then you set them free
    And if that love is true
    When you love someone
    It will all come back to you

    Life I wonder
    Was it too much that we gave
    If we give in more could we have both been save
    All I guess we've crossed the line
    Never knowing what was yours and what was mine

    And through it all
    I still have no regret
    Just promise me
    You never will forget


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