Текст песни: Eternal flame (Atomic Kitten)

Содержание: Текст песни: Eternal flame (Atomic Kitten). Слова: Close your eyes Give me your hand darling Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understand? Do you feel the same? Or am I only dreaming? Is this burning? An eternal flame ...

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текст песни Atomic Kitten - Eternal flame

Eternal flameAtomic Kittenтекст песни

    Close your eyes
    Give me your hand darling
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    Do you understand?
    Do you feel the same?
    Or am I only dreaming?

    Is this burning?
    An eternal flame

    I beleive it's meant to be darling
    I watch you when you are sleeping
    You belong to me

    Do you feel the same?
    Or am I only dreaming?

    Is this burning?
    An eternal flame
    Say my name sun shine through the rain
    Of all life so lonely then come and ease the pain
    I don't want to lose this feeling


    Say my name sun shine through the rain
    Of all life so lonely
    Now come and ease the pain
    I don't want to lose this feeling


    Close your eyes
    Give me your hand darling
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    Do you understand?
    Do you feel the same?
    Or am I only dreaming?

    Is this burning?
    An eternal flame


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