Текст песни: Promises (Basia)

Содержание: Текст песни: Promises (Basia). Слова: We forgot all our promises And only keep some of the easiest I confess I do Make believe However small the possibility But sometimes tripped up by reality Formality it ...

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текст песни Basia - Promises

PromisesBasiaтекст песни

    We forgot all our promises
    And only keep some of the easiest
    I confess I do
    Make believe
    However small the possibility
    But sometimes tripped up by reality
    Formality it seems
    Now I found
    Having come the long way round
    I am closer - closer than before
    Here and now is all that it's about
    Let's use it or we'll lose it
    Go and ask anybody
    They will all say the same - everyone
    Love is contagious
    We are part of a chain
    We could live our life from history
    But there's no future in a memory
    You'll see - my love
    Oh, there's no future in a memory
    You'll see - my love
    Now I found
    Having come the long way round
    I am closer - closer than before
    Here and now is all that it's about
    Let's use it or we'll lose it
    Go and ask anybody
    They will all say the same - everyone
    Love is contagious
    We are part of a chain
    Go and ask anybody
    They will all say the same - everyone
    Love is contagious
    We are part of a chain
    You'll see - my love
    Go and ask anybody
    They will all say the same - everyone
    Love is contagious
    We are part of a chain


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