Текст песни: Flashdance (Irene Carra)

Содержание: Текст песни: Flashdance (Irene Carra). Слова: First when there's nothing But a slow glowing dream That your fear seems to hide deep inside your mind All alone I have cried Silent tears full of pride In a world made ...

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текст песни Irene Carra - Flashdance

FlashdanceIrene Carraтекст песни

    First when there's nothing
    But a slow glowing dream
    That your fear seems to hide
    deep inside your mind

    All alone I have cried
    Silent tears full of pride
    In a world made of steel
    Made of stone

    Well, I hear the music
    Close my eyes
    Feel the rhythm
    Wrap around
    Take a hold of my heart

    What a feeling
    Bein's believin'
    I can have it all
    Now I'm dancing for my life
    Take your passion
    And make it happen
    Pictures come alive
    You can dance right through your life

    ---- Instrumental Interlude ----

    Now I hear the music
    Close my eyes
    I am rhythm
    In a flash
    It takes hold of my heart

    What a feeling
    Bein's believin'
    I can have it all
    Now I'm dancing for my life
    Take your passion
    And make it happen
    Pictures come alive
    Now I'm dancing through my life
    What a feeling

    What a feeling
    (I am music now)
    Bein's believin'
    (I am rhythm now)
    Pictures come alive
    You can dance right through your life
    What a feeling
    (You can really have it all)
    What a feeling
    (Pictures come alive when I call)
    I can have it all
    (I can really have it all)
    Have it all
    (Pictures come alive when I call)
    (Call, call, call, call)
    (What a feeling)
    I can have it all
    (Bein's Believin')
    Bein's believin'
    (Take your passion)
    (Make it happen)
    Make it happen
    (What a feeling)
    What a feeling
    (Bein's believin')


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