Текст песни: My Favorite Mistake (Sheryl Crow)

Содержание: Текст песни: My Favorite Mistake (Sheryl Crow). Слова: I woke up and called this morning, the tone of your voice was a warning that you don't care for me anymore. I made up the bed we sleep in. I looked at the clock when you ...

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текст песни Sheryl Crow - My Favorite Mistake

My Favorite MistakeSheryl Crowтекст песни

    I woke up and called this morning,
    the tone of your voice was a warning
    that you don't care for me anymore.

    I made up the bed we sleep in.
    I looked at the clock when you creep in.
    It's 6 AM and I'm alone.

    Did you know when you go it's the perfect ending,
    to the bad day I was just beginning.
    When you go, all I know is you're my favorite mistake.

    Your friends act sorry for me.
    They watch you pretend to adore me.
    But I am no fool to this game.

    Now here comes your secret lover,
    she'll be unlike any other,
    until your guilt goes up in flames.

    Did you know when you go it's the perfect ending,
    to the bad day I'd gotten used to spending.
    When you go, all I know is you're my favorite mistake
    You're my favorite mistake.

    Well maybe nothing lasts forever,
    even when you stay together.
    I don't need forever after, but it's your laughter won't let me go
    so I'm holding on this way.

    Did you know could you tell you were the only one
    that I ever loved?
    Now everything's so wrong.
    Did you see me walking by, did it ever make you cry?
    Now you're my favorite mistake
    Yeah you're my favorite mistake
    You're my favorite mistake


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