Текст песни: Top Of The World (Van Halen)

Содержание: Текст песни: Top Of The World (Van Halen). Слова: Hey, Baby, Whew! I know that you believe in me, That's all I ever need, uh huh. No, No, nothing's gonna stop me, Nothing will be scaring me, oh no Hey baby, it's the only ...

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текст песни Van Halen - Top Of The World

Top Of The WorldVan Halenтекст песни

    Hey, Baby, Whew!
    I know that you believe in me,
    That's all I ever need, uh huh.
    No, No, nothing's gonna stop me,
    Nothing will be scaring me, oh no
    Hey baby, it's the only way out
    Oh, little darling,
    C'mon what's it all about?
    Standing on top of the world
    For a little while.
    Standing on top of the world
    Gonna give it all we got.
    Oh, I know it won't hurt,
    I gotta have a little taste
    I just wanna sink my teeth in that
    Fine piece of real estate, yeah
    Hey baby, make it nice and sweet,
    Oh, little darling
    Let's take a walk down easy street
    Standing on top of the world,

    For a little while.
    Standing on top of the world
    Let's give it all we got, oooh oooh
    Baby, gotta feeling, oooh oooh,
    Oh, I wanna touch it,now, oooh oooh oooh,
    See the whole wide world turn upside down.
    Hey, Baby, Whew!
    Someday, we'll be
    Standing on top of the world
    For a little while
    Standing on top of the world
    Till we got stung.
    Standing on top of the world
    For a little while.
    Standing on top of the world
    Gonna give it all we got.
    (Standing on top) Hey, baby.
    (Standing on top) Hey darling
    Standing on top,
    Standing on top,
    Standing on top.


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