Текст песни: Goodbye blue sky 1 (Pink Floyd)

Содержание: Текст песни: Goodbye blue sky 1 (Pink Floyd). Слова: Childs voice: Look, Mummy. There's an airplane up in the sky. Oooooooo ooo ooo ooooh Did you see the frightened ones Did you hear the falling bombs Did you ever wonder ...

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текст песни Pink Floyd - Goodbye blue sky 1

Goodbye blue sky 1Pink Floydтекст песни

    [ Childs voice: ]
    Look, Mummy. There's an
    airplane up in the sky.

    Oooooooo ooo ooo ooooh
    Did you see the frightened ones
    Did you hear the falling bombs
    Did you ever wonder
    Why we had to run for shelter
    When the promise of a brave new world
    Unfurled beneath a clear blue sky
    Oooooooo ooo ooooo oooh
    Did you see the frightened ones
    Did you hear the falling bombs
    The flames are all long gone
    But the pain lingers on
    Goodbye blue sky
    Goodbye blue sky


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