Текст песни: Jingle bells (Новогоднии)

Содержание: Текст песни: Jingle bells (Новогоднии). Слова: Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way, Oh what fun it is to ride In a one–horse open sleigh, Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way, Oh what fun it is to ...

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текст песни Новогоднии - Jingle bells

Jingle bellsНовогодниитекст песни

    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way,
    Oh what fun it is to ride
    In a one–horse open sleigh,
    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way,
    Oh what fun it is to ride
    In a one–horse open sleigh. ashing through the snow
    In a one–horse open sleigh
    Through the fields we go
    Laughing all the way.
    Bells on bob–tail ring
    Making spirits bright
    What fun it is to ride and sing
    A sleighing song tonight.
    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way,
    Oh what fun it is to ride
    In a one–horse open sleigh
    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Jingle all the way,
    Oh what fun it is to ride
    In a one–horse open sleigh

    Jingle bells all the way
    Jingle all the way


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