Текст песни: How Can You Love Me (Yoann Freget)

Содержание: Текст песни: How Can You Love Me (Yoann Freget). Слова: If you could lift the painted veil Falling across our eyes And see the flame Hiding beyond this world of lies If you could look beneath this face See behind your fears ...

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текст песни Yoann Freget - How Can You Love Me

How Can You Love MeYoann Fregetтекст песни

    If you could lift the painted veil
    Falling across our eyes
    And see the flame
    Hiding beyond this world of lies

    If you could look beneath this face
    See behind your fears
    Another man, a man of grace, is standing here
    So look at me, oh, what shall you see?...


    Because behind appearances
    Beyond this world in which we live
    There we will find beauty
    Because behind the distances
    Beyond the different lives we lead
    There is our destiny

    How can you love me
    When you can't see me?
    ( Свернуть )
    If you could only hear the voice
    Whispering within
    To make a choice
    And finally let the dawn begin

    If you could only find the faith
    To trust in how you feel
    Another world, a better place
    Would be revealed

    So take my hand, and come to that land...


    Because behind apperances
    Beyond this world in which we live
    There we will find beauty
    Because behind the distances
    Beyond the different lives we lead
    There is our destiny

    You know behind this masquerade
    Beyond this world in which we live
    There is a better way
    Behind this sad charade
    Beyond the different lives we lead
    There is a brighter day

    Now you can see me!
    Now you can love me!

Андрей 17.03.2015
да оно, уже не нужно
Андрей 17.03.2015
это оно?
просто я не могу открыть те ссылки, которые указаны в заказе
(полминусовки готово)
Miss2012antik 03.01.2015
Yoann Freget - How Can You Love Me

Miss2012antik 03.01.2015
Заявка #4826. Без бэк вокала. Нужна минусовка для исполнения

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