Текст песни: Lonely (Плазма)

Содержание: Текст песни: Lonely (Плазма). Слова: I can see you shining I can see you runing From my soul and heart It's tearing me apart It's love Look what you Have done to me My little star 'Cause you are young and ...

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текст песни Плазма - Lonely

LonelyПлазматекст песни

    I can see you shining
    I can see you runing
    From my soul and heart
    It's tearing me apart
    It's love
    Look what you
    Have done to me
    My little star

    'Cause you are young and proud
    You're never turning about
    You make me love you
    'Cause you are wild and cool
    You're breaking all the rules
    You make me lonely

    Can you hear me crying
    Can you see me trying
    I've been lied through years
    Baby dry me tears of love
    Look what you
    Have done to me
    My little star

    + Baby wont you give it to me
    Baby I'm a stupid if lie
    Baby wont you ever be here
    Baby wont you ever be mine


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