Текст песни: Penny To My Name (Eva Cassidy)

Содержание: Текст песни: Penny To My Name (Eva Cassidy). Слова: BBill and I got married following our first born Daddy left this gas & convenience store just before he died And I was only nineteen when I had my third baby And ...

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текст песни Eva Cassidy - Penny To My Name

Penny To My NameEva Cassidyтекст песни

    BBill and I got married following our first born
    Daddy left this gas & convenience store just before he died
    And I was only nineteen when I had my third baby
    And sometimes I think maybe I should’ve left here long ago

    Travellers are stopping by, check their oil and their p.s.i.
    Gas up and away to fly, moving down the line
    But this beat-up truck & worn out shoes always giving me the blues
    Billy sucking down the booze nearly every night

    Chorus:- I never seen the city lights
    How they must shine so bright
    Not like this country at night
    The sky’s black as coal
    And this gas-station mountain home
    Not a thing to call my own
    How I wish I was alone
    With a penny to my name

    Strangers say this mountain here is beautiful beyond compare
    But it’s just a dumb old mountain there; I see it every day
    If I could see sunset skies over fields of grain or ocean-tides,
    City skyline in the night, I’ll be dancing till the dawn

    Chorus:- I never seen…

    Bill and I got married following our first born
    Daddy left this gas & convenience store just before he died
    Maybe Bill & I someday will find a chance to get away
    Until then it’s here I’ll stay wishing on a star

    Chorus:- I never seen…


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