Текст песни: Lady (инстр) (Modjo)

Содержание: Текст песни: Lady (инстр) (Modjo). Слова: Lady hear me tonight Cause my feeling is just so right As we dance by the moonlight Can`t you see ,you`r my delight Lady i just feel like I wouln`t get you Out of my mind ...

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текст песни Modjo - Lady (инстр)

Lady (инстр)Modjoтекст песни

    Lady hear me tonight
    Cause my feeling is just so right
    As we dance by the moonlight
    Can`t you see ,you`r my delight

    Lady i just feel like
    I wouln`t get you
    Out of my mind
    I feel love
    For the fhirst time
    And i know that is true
    I can tell by the look in you`r eyes

    Lady hear me tonight
    Cause my feeling is just so right
    As we dance by the moonlight
    Can`t you see ,you`r my delight

    Lady i just feel like
    I wouln`t get you
    Out of my mind
    I feel love
    For the fhirst time
    And i know that is true
    I can tell by the look in you`r eyes

    Lady hear me tonight
    Cause my feeling is just so right
    As we dance by the moonlight
    Can`t you see ,you`r my delight

    Lady i just feel like
    I wouln`t get you
    Out of my mind
    I feel love
    For the fhirst time
    And i know that is true
    I can tell by the look in you`r eyes

    Lady hear me tonight

    Couse my feeling is so right

    Lady i just feel like

    I feel love for the fhirst time

    Lad hear me tonight

    Can`t you see , you`r my delight

    Lady i just feel like

    I wouln`t get you Out of my mind

    lady ..hear me tonight ..cause my feel


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