Текст песни: Baby's Got a Temper (инстр) (Prodigy)

Содержание: Текст песни: Baby's Got a Temper (инстр) (Prodigy). Слова: You can see me coming from a mile off Once again ignite the skyline She's gonna be printed on money Just like your royal family (This ain't no holiday) This time there ...

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текст песни Prodigy - Baby's Got a Temper (инстр)

Baby's Got a Temper (инстр)Prodigyтекст песни

    You can see me coming from a mile off
    Once again ignite the skyline

    She's gonna be printed on money
    Just like your royal family
    (This ain't no holiday)

    This time there can be no funeral
    (I'm vibing, can you feel me?)

    We love, she got,
    We take
    Just forget it all
    We love, she got
    We take
    Just forget it all
    Just forget it all

    This baby's got a temper
    This baby's got a temper
    This baby's got a temper
    You'll never tame her

    You can see me do another parallel
    Better bow down, you're not worthy
    (Hey get off my planet, yeah)

    Last time I'll be your prisoner
    No name no number
    (Revolving, dissolving)

    Shooting through the trap door
    What I think don't matter anymore
    (I'm vibing can you feel me?)

    We love, she got,
    We take
    Just forget it all
    We love, she got
    We take
    Just forget it all

    This baby's got a temper
    This baby's got a temper
    This baby's got a temper
    You'll never tame her
    This baby's got a temper
    You'll never tame her

    текст добавил: Александр


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