Текст песни: Nothing come between us (Sade)

Содержание: Текст песни: Nothing come between us (Sade). Слова: I always hope that you remember We'll never really learn the meaning of it all What we have is strong and tender So hold on In the middle of the madness When the time is ...

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текст песни Sade - Nothing come between us

Nothing come between usSadeтекст песни

    I always hope that you remember
    We'll never really learn the meaning of it all
    What we have is strong and tender
    So hold on
    In the middle of the madness
    When the time is running out and you're left alone
    All I want is you to know that
    It's strong still
    Can't pull us apart
    Nothing can come
    Between us
    Nothing can pull us apart
    Can come
    Between us

    I always hope that you remember
    What we have is strong and tender
    In the middle of the madness
    Hold on

    So it truly is a good thing
    And I always wanted you to know
    There is always this
    And this is everlasting
    Hold on

    It's about faith
    It's about trust, yeah yeah
    It's about faith
    It's about trust

    Nothing can come
    Nothing can come
    Nothing can come between us
    Nothing can come
    Nothing can come
    Nothing can come between us

    Can come
    Can tear
    Can pull
    Us apart

    Can come
    Can tear
    Can pull
    Us apart


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