Текст песни: I cross my heart (All 4 One)

Содержание: Текст песни: I cross my heart (All 4 One). Слова: I Cross My Heart holding you here in my arms your heart is beating fast and you want me to tell you just how long our love will last look in my eyes, hear what i say i'll ...

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текст песни All 4 One - I cross my heart

I cross my heartAll 4 Oneтекст песни

    I Cross My Heart

    holding you here in my arms
    your heart is beating fast
    and you want me to tell you
    just how long our love will last
    look in my eyes, hear what i say
    i'll be the one who won't walk away

    i cross my heart
    pledge to you, all my love
    to have and to hold
    from this moment on
    just as long as the stars shine above
    i will be true, i promise you
    i cross my heart

    if i had just one wish
    i'd make your dreams come true
    'cause i have everything i need
    when i'm loving you

    put your hand in mine
    i want you to know
    i'll stand by your side and never let go

    i cross my heart
    pledge to you, all my love
    to have and to hold
    from this moment on
    just as long as the stars shine above
    i will be true, i promise you
    i cross my heart

    i cross my heart
    pledge to you, all my love
    to have and to hold
    from this moment on
    just as long as the stars shine through
    i will be true, i promise you
    i cross my heart
    i will be true, i promise you
    i cross my heart


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