Текст песни: The Rever Of Dreams (Billy Joel)

Содержание: Текст песни: The Rever Of Dreams (Billy Joel). Слова: In the in the middle of a I go walking in the ... In the in the middle of a I go walking in the ... In the in the middle of a I go walking in the ... In the in the middle ...

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текст песни Billy Joel - The Rever Of Dreams

The Rever Of DreamsBilly Joelтекст песни

    In the
    in the middle of a
    I go walking in the ...
    In the
    in the middle of a
    I go walking in the ...
    In the
    in the middle of a
    I go walking in the ...
    In the
    in the middle of a
    I go walking in the ...

    In the middle of the night

    I go walking in my sleep
    From the mountains of faith

    to the river so deep
    I must be looking for something

    something sacred I lost
    But the river is wide

    and it's toohard to cross.

    Even though I know the river is wide
    I walk down every evening
    and stand on the shore
    I try to cross to the opposite side
    So I can finally find what
    I've been looking for

    In the middle of the night

    I go walking in my sleep
    Through the valley of fear

    to a river so deep.
    I've been searching for something

    taken out of my soul
    Something I would never lose

    something somebody stole.

    I don't know why I go walking at night
    But now I'm tired and I
    don't wanna walk anymore
    I hope it doesn't take
    the rest of my life
    Until I find what it is
    I've been looking for

    In the middle of the night

    I go walking in my sleep
    Through the jungle of doubt

    to the river so deep.
    I know I'm searching for something

    something so undefined
    That it can only be seen

    by the eyes of the blind
    In the middle of the night.

    I'm not sure about a life after this
    God knows I've never
    been a spiritual man
    Baptized by the fire I wade
    Into the river that is runnin'
    to the promised land

    In the middle of the night

    I go walking in my sleep
    Through the desert of truth

    to the river so deep
    We all end in the ocean

    we all start in the streams
    We're all carried along

    by the river of dreams
    In the middle of the night

    I go walking in the
    in the middle of a ...


1461 s
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