Текст песни: On the beach (Chris Rea)

Содержание: Текст песни: On the beach (Chris Rea). Слова: Between the eyes of love I call your name Behind the guarded walls I used to go Upon a summer wind there's a certain melody Takes me back to the place that I know Down on ...

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текст песни Chris Rea - On the beach

On the beachChris Reaтекст песни

    Between the eyes of love I call your name
    Behind the guarded walls I used to go
    Upon a summer wind there's a certain melody
    Takes me back to the place that I know
    Down on the beach

    The secrets of the summer I will keep
    The sands of time will blow a mystery
    No-one but you and I
    Underneath that moonlit sky
    Take me back to the place that I know
    On the beach

    Forever in my dreams my heart will be
    Hanging on to this sweet memory
    A day of strange desire
    And a night that burned like fire
    Take me back to the place that I know
    On the beach


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