Текст песни: One (Creed)

Содержание: Текст песни: One (Creed). Слова: Affirmative may be justified Take from one give to another The goal is to be unified Take my hand be my brother The payment silenced the masses Sanctified by oppression ...

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текст песни Creed - One

OneCreedтекст песни

    Affirmative may be justified
    Take from one give to another
    The goal is to be unified
    Take my hand be my brother
    The payment silenced the masses
    Sanctified by oppression
    Unity took a backseat
    Sliding further in regression
    One The only way is one
    I feel angry I feel helpless
    Want to change the world
    I feel violent I feel alone
    Don't try and change my mind
    Society blind by color
    Why hold down one to raise another
    Discrimination now on both sides
    Seeds of hate blossom further
    The world is heading for mutiny
    When all we want is unity
    We may rise and fall, but in the end
    We meet our fate together
    One The only way is one
    I feel angry I feel helpless
    Want to change the world
    I feel violent I feel alone
    Don't try and change my mind


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