Текст песни: Love to see you cry (Enrique Iglesias)

Содержание: Текст песни: Love to see you cry (Enrique Iglesias). Слова: Maybe I just wanna touch you for your warm inside again Maybe I just wanna let you the sweetest pleasure is me I don't know why why but I love to see you cry I don't know ...

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текст песни Enrique Iglesias - Love to see you cry

Love to see you cryEnrique Iglesiasтекст песни

    Maybe I just wanna touch you for your warm inside again
    Maybe I just wanna let you the sweetest pleasure is me
    I don't know why why but I love to see you cry
    I don't know why why it just makes me feel like

    Are you coming to the moment
    When you know your heart can break
    I'm inside you
    I'm around you
    Just wanna hear you cry again
    I don't know why why but I love to see you cry
    I don't know why why it just makes me feel like
    I don't know why why but I love to see you cry
    I don't know why why but it just makes me feel like

    You don't know how much it hurts when you fall asleep in my arms
    before the morning comes
    I wanna run away, I wanna run away
    I don't know why
    I don't know why
    I don't know why
    I don't know why why but I love to see you cry
    I don't know why why it just makes me feel like
    I don't know why why but I love to see you cry
    I don't know why why but it just makes me feel like


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