Текст песни: Steel Got the Blues (Gary Moore)

Содержание: Текст песни: Steel Got the Blues (Gary Moore). Слова: Used to be so easy To give my heart away But I found out the hard way There's a price you have to pay I found out that love is no friend of mine I should've known time ...

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текст песни Gary Moore - Steel Got the Blues

Steel Got the BluesGary Mooreтекст песни

    Used to be so easy
    To give my heart away
    But I found out the hard way
    There's a price you have to pay
    I found out that love is no friend of mine
    I should've known time after time

    So long
    It was so long ago
    But I've still got the blues for you

    Used to be so easy
    To fall in love again
    But I found out the hard way
    It's a road that leads to pain
    I found that love was more than just a game
    You play and you win
    But you lose just the same

    So long
    It was so long ago
    But I've still got the blues for you

    So many years since I've seen your face
    But here in my heart
    There's an empty space
    Where you used to be


    So long
    it was so long ago
    But I've still got the blues for you

    Though the days come and go
    There is one thing I know
    I've still got the blues for you

    текст добавил: Александр


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