Текст песни: All Woman (Lisa Stansfield)

Содержание: Текст песни: All Woman (Lisa Stansfield). Слова: He's home agein from another day She smiles at him as he walks through the door. She wonders if it will be Okay It`s hard for her when he doesn't respond He says babe you ...

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текст песни Lisa Stansfield - All Woman

All WomanLisa Stansfieldтекст песни

    He's home agein from another day
    She smiles at him as he walks through the door. She wonders if it will be Okay
    It`s hard for her when he doesn't respond

    He says babe you bok a mess You look dowdy in that dress It's jusl not like it used to be
    Then she seys. . .

    I may not be a lady But I'm All Woman
    From Monday to Sunday I work harder than you know I'm no clessy lady But I'm All
    And the woman needs a little love to make her strong You're not the only one

    She stands there and lets the tears flow
    Tears that she's been holding back so long She wonders where did all the loving go
    The love they used to share when they were strong

    She says yes I look a mess But I don`t love you any less
    I thought you always thought enough of me To always be impressed

    I may not be a lady But I'm All Women
    From Monday to Sunday I work my fingers to the bone I'm no classy lady But I'm All
    This woman needs a little love lo make her strong You're not the only one

    He holds her and hangs his head in shame He doesn't see her like he used to do He's too
    wrepped up In working for his pay He hasn't seen the pain he's put her through

    Attention that he paid
    Just vanlshed in the haze
    He remembers how it used to be When he used to say

    You'll always be a lady 'Cos you're All Woman
    From Monday to Sunday I love you much more than you know You're a classy lady
    'Cos you're All Woman
    This woman needs a loving men to keep her warm

    You're the only one You're a classy lady 'Cos you're All Woman

    So sweet the love that used to be So sweet the love that used to be

    We can be sweet again. . .


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