Текст песни: Sao Paulo (Morcheeba)

Содержание: Текст песни: Sao Paulo (Morcheeba). Слова: Waiting in the club lounge I slot in so systematicly I wanna smash it to pieces Release this hatred inside of me You know you fill me with passion But I just act ...

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текст песни Morcheeba - Sao Paulo

Sao PauloMorcheebaтекст песни

    Waiting in the club lounge
    I slot in so systematicly
    I wanna smash it to pieces
    Release this hatred inside of me

    You know you fill me with passion
    But I just act apologetically
    I'm gonna miss you in fashion
    All ashen faced with my deceit

    Sao Paulo
    Why am I bringing me down?
    Sao Paulo
    If I drink any more I will drown
    Sao Paulo
    Why can't I fight truth decay?
    Sao Paulo
    My life is just one big cliche

    Another stain on my passport
    I wanna travel so futuristically
    I just wish I could beam up, team up
    And soon be on my way

    You told me we'd go to Rio
    And you said it so charismatically
    I know it's me that's the nightmare
    So fight fair or have some decency

    Sao Paulo
    Why am I bringing me down?
    Sao Paulo
    If I drink any more I will drown
    Sao Paulo
    Why can't I fight truth decay?
    Sao Paulo
    My life is just one big cliche

    Sao Paulo
    Why am I bringing me down
    Sao Paulo
    If I drink any more I will drown
    Sao Paulo
    Why can't I fight truth decay?
    Sao Paulo
    My life is just one big cliche

    You sure put a spin on my day
    Why am I heading your way
    Everything is coming up grey
    I'm just a humble DJ


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