Текст песни: I play for you (Tomas Nevergreen)

Содержание: Текст песни: I play for you (Tomas Nevergreen). Слова: I played for money I'd play for free I play to win sometimes I play to put my mind at ease I play my part in what seems an endless game I did not choose this but it's all ...

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текст песни Tomas Nevergreen - I play for you

I play for youTomas Nevergreenтекст песни

    I played for money
    I'd play for free
    I play to win
    sometimes I play to put my mind at ease
    I play my part
    in what seems an endless game
    I did not choose this
    but it's all that I can do
    I play along
    but this one song
    I play for you

    I played for nothing
    I played it safe
    I won your trust
    but then you lost your heart to someone else
    I showed my cards
    and you played so hard to get
    now I'll take my chances
    'cos what have I to loose (if I can' t have you)
    for right or wrong
    girl this here song
    I play for you

    no rhyme or reason
    no why you broke the rules (and you left me feeling blue)
    no right or wrong
    just this one song
    I play for you
    (and only for you)
    and life goes on
    and this here song
    I play for you


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