Текст песни: Another star (Stevie Wonder)

Содержание: Текст песни: Another star (Stevie Wonder). Слова: La la la la la la lala la La la la la la la lala la La la la la la la lala la La la la la la la lala la For you There might be another star But through my eyes the light ...

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текст песни Stevie Wonder - Another star

Another starStevie Wonderтекст песни

    La la la la la la lala la
    La la la la la la lala la

    La la la la la la lala la
    La la la la la la lala la

    For you
    There might be another star
    But through my eyes the light of you it’s all I see

    For you
    There might be another song
    But all my heart can hear is your melody

    So long ago my heart without demanding
    Informed me that no other love colud do
    But listen did I not though understanding
    Fell in love with one
    Who would break my heart in two

    For you
    Love might bring a toast of wine
    But which each sparkle know the best for you I pray

    For you
    Love might be for you to find
    But I will celebrate our love of yestarday

    So long ago my heart without demanding
    Informed me that no other love colud do
    But listen did I not though understanding
    Fell in love with one
    Who would break my heart in two

    For you
    There might be another star
    But through my eyes the light of you it’s all I see

    For you
    There might be another song
    But in my heart your melody will stay with me


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