Текст песни: Maria Magdalena (Sandra)

Содержание: Текст песни: Maria Magdalena (Sandra). Слова: You take my love you want my soul I would be crazy to share your life why can't you see what I want Sharpen your senses and drawn the knife Hold me and you'll understand ...

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текст песни Sandra - Maria Magdalena

Maria MagdalenaSandraтекст песни

    You take my love you want my soul
    I would be crazy to share your life why can't you see what I want
    Sharpen your senses and drawn the knife
    Hold me and you'll understand
    I'll never be
    Maria Magdalena
    Maria Magdalena promise me delight
    I'll never be
    Maria Magdalena
    Maria Magdalena promise me delight

    Why must I lie, find alibies
    When will you wake up and realise
    I can't surrender to you
    Play for affection and win the price
    I know these party games too
    I'll never be
    Maria Magdalena
    Maria Magdalena promise me delight
    I'll never be
    Maria Magdalena
    Maria Magdalena promise me delight


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