Текст песни: We'll be together (Sandra)

Содержание: Текст песни: We'll be together (Sandra). Слова: days in blue an' nights in fever fall in Chinatown flames an' light a silent fire not a single sound who used to cry for love о time an' time again i used to cry for some ...

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текст песни Sandra - We'll be together

We'll be togetherSandraтекст песни

    days in blue an' nights in fever fall in Chinatown flames an' light a silent fire not a single sound who used to cry for love о time an' time again i used to cry for some love tonight an' we'll be together with a little luck a little luck we'll be comin' out of the dark say you will say you'll come my way an' this means forever with a little luck a little luck we'll be comin' out of the dark say you will say you'll come night is cold an' moon is flashin' in a lonesome dance i don't care cause you're beside me i can take my chance who used to cry for love о time an' time again i used to cry for some love tonight an' we'll be together with a little luck a little luck we'll be comin' out of the dark say you will say you'll come my way an' this means forever with a little luck a little luck we'll be comin' out of the dark say you will say you'll come

    we'll be together we'll be together we'll be comin' out of the dark say you will say you'll come my way an' this means forever with a little luck a little luck we'll be comin' out of the dark say you will say you'll come an' we'll be together with a little luck a little luck we'll be comin' out of the dark say you will say you'll come my way


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