Текст песни: Changing All The Time (Smokie)

Содержание: Текст песни: Changing All The Time (Smokie). Слова: So you caught a glimpse of someone you once knew And you seem to find it hard to face the truth Oh Oh, but that don't make it right To be wantin' me tonight When your ...

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текст песни Smokie - Changing All The Time

Changing All The TimeSmokieтекст песни

    So you caught a glimpse of someone you once knew
    And you seem to find it hard to face the truth
    Oh Oh, but that don't make it right
    To be wantin' me tonight
    When your thoughts on love keep changing all the time
    well we both knew there's be things we'd have to face
    But is it true that I can never take his place
    Oh but I can't read your mind
    For the things you hope to find
    When your thoughts on love keep changing all the time
    Now heaven knows I treid just everything I knew
    But it seems there ain't no getting though to yu
    Guess I've played out every line
    Still you can't make up your mind
    When your thougths on love are changing all the time
    'Guess I've played out every line
    Still you can't make up your mind
    When your thougths on love keep changing all the time


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