Текст песни: Cold Shot (Stevie Ray Vaughn)

Содержание: Текст песни: Cold Shot (Stevie Ray Vaughn). Слова: Once was a sweet thang baby....Held out her lovin' in our hands Now I reach to kiss your lips....The touch don't mean a thing And that's a cold shot baby....Yeah that's a ...

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текст песни Stevie Ray Vaughn - Cold Shot

Cold ShotStevie Ray Vaughnтекст песни

    Once was a sweet thang baby....Held out her lovin' in our hands
    Now I reach to kiss your lips....The touch don't mean a thing
    And that's a cold shot baby....Yeah that's a drag
    A cold shot baby....I let our love go bad

    Remember the way that you loved me....Do anything I said
    Now I see you out somewhere....You won't give me the time of day
    And that's a cold shot darlin'....Yeah that's a drag
    And that's a cold shot baby....We let our love go bad

    I really meant I was sorry....For ever causin' you pain
    You showed your appreciation....By walkin' out anyway
    And that's a cold shot baby....Yeah that's a drag
    And that's a cold shot baby...We let our love go bad

    So sad....Too bad....So sad
    Don't let our true love run cold baby


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