Текст песни: You (More And More) (Благова Анна)

Содержание: Текст песни: You (More And More) (Благова Анна). Слова: Close your eyes, Im begging you See the time suddenly end you Every night its raining outside Im gonna lose my mind without you by my side And you are always on my mind ...

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текст песни Благова Анна - You (More And More)

You (More And More)Благова Аннатекст песни

    Close your eyes, Im begging you See the time suddenly end you Every night its raining outside Im gonna lose my mind without you by my side And you are always on my mind And you, your love is so divine You are just an angel and tears cried on the floor Need your love more and more Close your eyes, dont let it die Hold me tight and save my life Everyday Im coming here alone I hardly carry on, my heart becomes of stone And you are always on my mind And you, your love is so divine You are just an angel and tears cried on the floor Need your love more and more And you are always on my mind And you, your love is so divine You are just an angel and tears cried on the floor Need your love more and more More and more Close your eyes, Im begging you See the time suddenly end you Every night its raining outside Im gonna lose my mind without you by my side And you are always on my mind And you, your love is so divine You are just an angel and tears cried on the floor Need your love more and more Close your eyes, dont let it die Hold me tight and save my life Everyday Im coming here alone I hardly carry on, my heart becomes of stone And you are always on my mind And you, your love is so divine You are just an angel and tears cried on the floor Need your love more and more And you are always on my mind And you, your love is so divine You are just an angel and tears cried on the floor Need your love more and more More and more

Mironovaas 11.08.2021
Заявка #7029. Кроме задавок.

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