Текст песни: Breach the line (Фадеев Макс)

Содержание: Текст песни: Breach the line (Фадеев Макс). Слова: A boy is walking down the road A road that brings a hope to some To fight the ray of light and the magic purpose Don't look down, don't look down! Chorus: Just when you ...

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текст песни Фадеев Макс - Breach the line

Breach the lineФадеев Макстекст песни

    A boy is walking down the road
    A road that brings a hope to some
    To fight the ray of light and the magic purpose

    Don't look down, don't look down!

    Just when you think that it's all over,
    Just when you stop to see the sun, eh!
    He will reach from the darkness for your hope.

    That's how it's all begun
    I want to breach the line
    And take a step in to future
    I want to see the sky
    And find the way to help to reach you!

    A road, it's always been challenge
    That's what can bring you a lot of grieve.
    Your heart will speak and lead you to your Angel
    If you believe, if you believe.

    Just when you think that it's all over,
    Just when you stop to see the sun, eh!
    He will reach from the darkness for your hope.

    That's how it's all begun
    I want to breach the line
    And take a step in to future
    I want to see the sky
    And find the way to help to reach you!

    Never fight for love alone.
    Can you feel my heart is strong?
    Will you take my hand?

    I want to breach the line
    And take a step in to future
    I want to see the sky
    And find the way to help to reach you!

    текст добавил: Artem mezentcev

Artem mezentcev 13.10.2015 ••
Минусовка исполнена в близком к оригиналу стиле Cinematic. Тональность оригинальная
Artem mezentcev 13.10.2015 ••
Фадеев Макс - Breach the line

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