Текст песни: Hide away - man is comin'! (Silent Circle)

Содержание: Текст песни: Hide away - man is comin'! (Silent Circle). Слова: World was born in endless night, In million years we got the light, The mountains coming and the seas, Earth and heaven harmony Animals were born to live, Trees and ...

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текст песни Silent Circle - Hide away - man is comin'!

Hide away - man is comin'!Silent Circleтекст песни

    World was born in endless night,
    In million years we got the light,
    The mountains coming and the seas,
    Earth and heaven harmony
    Animals were born to live,
    Trees and plants had much to give,
    But when man came there was fear
    Their creation was the tears
    Hide away now man is comin'!
    It's the time now you'll be running
    For your life
    Hide away now man is comin'!
    It's the time now you'll be running
    For your life

    Thousand dreams about the die
    As the world begins to cry
    Lonelyness is all around
    In the air a silent sound
    Hide away now man is comin'!
    It's the time now you'll be running
    For your life
    Hide away now man is comin'!
    It's the time now you'll be running
    For your life

    Hide away now man is comin'!
    It's the time now you'll be running
    For your life
    Hide away now man is comin'!
    It's the time now you'll be running
    For your life
    Hide away now man is comin'!
    It's the time now you'll be running
    For your life
    Hide away now man is comin'!


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