Текст песни: I breath (Vacoom)

Содержание: Текст песни: I breath (Vacoom). Слова: I breathe clouds beneath my window. I see rockets in the sky. I feel satellites in limbo. I breathe oxygen up high. I load lead inside my engine, lead and alcohol. On the ...

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текст песни Vacoom - I breath

I breathVacoomтекст песни

    I breathe clouds beneath my window.
    I see rockets in the sky.
    I feel satellites in limbo.
    I breathe oxygen up high.

    I load lead inside my engine,
    lead and alcohol.
    On the radio depending
    I sign the protocol.
    Hail the audience, the media, peoples everywhere.
    In the hours ahead I

Томас 10.05.2011 ••
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