Текст песни: Light my fire (Doors)

Содержание: Текст песни: Light my fire (Doors). Слова: You know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I was to say to you Girl, we couldn't get much higher Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light ...

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текст песни Doors - Light my fire

Light my fireDoorsтекст песни

    You know that it would be untrue
    You know that I would be a liar
    If I was to say to you
    Girl, we couldn't get much higher

    Come on baby, light my fire
    Come on baby, light my fire
    Try to set the night on fire

    The time to hesitate is through
    No time to wallow in the mire
    Try now we can only lose
    And our love become a funeral pyre

    Come on baby, light my fire
    Come on baby, light my fire
    Try to set the night on fire, yeah

    The time to hesitate is through
    No time to wallow in the mire
    Try now we can only lose
    And our love become a funeral pyre

    Come on baby, light my fire
    Come on baby, light my fire
    Try to set the night on fire, yeah

    You know that it would be untrue
    You know that I would be a liar
    If I was to say to you
    Girl, we couldn't get much higher

    Come on baby, light my fire
    Come on baby, light my fire
    Try to set the night on fire
    Try to set the night on fire
    Try to set the night on fire
    Try to set the night on fire


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