Текст песни: Picture Of The Moon (Gary Moore)

Содержание: Текст песни: Picture Of The Moon (Gary Moore). Слова: Picture of the moon you gave to me that night. The stars were out to play, the moon was shining bright. If only I had known that it would end so soon. I was left with a ...

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текст песни Gary Moore - Picture Of The Moon

Picture Of The MoonGary Mooreтекст песни

    Picture of the moon
    you gave to me that night.
    The stars were out to play,
    the moon was shining bright.
    If only I had known
    that it would end so soon.
    I was left with a picture of the moon.

    The sound of soft guitars
    beneath the spanish skies.
    Across the candle lights
    the sadness in your eyes.
    If only I had known
    that it would end so soon.
    I was left with a picture of the moon.

    Picture of the moon
    you gave to me that night.
    The stars were out to play,
    the moon was shining bright.
    However could I know
    that it would end so soon?
    I was left with a picture of the moon.
    I was left with a picture of the moon.
    All that's left is a picture of the moon.


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