Текст песни: Another Time Another Place (Humperding Engelbert)

Содержание: Текст песни: Another Time Another Place (Humperding Engelbert). Слова: Another time, another place Her candles flicker in the fading light I sit alone and watch that lonely night I see you everywhere and I try desperately to hide Chorus: ...

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текст песни Humperding Engelbert - Another Time Another Place

Another Time Another PlaceHumperding Engelbertтекст песни

    Another time, another place
    Her candles flicker in the fading light
    I sit alone and watch that lonely night
    I see you everywhere and I try desperately to hide

    Another time, another place, I see that old familiar face
    And I try hard to catch your eye
    Another road, another mile, I see that old familiar smile
    But you'll be with somebody new

    Another night, another day, I'll see you standing in my way
    I'll stop and say "hello, my friend"
    Another place, another time, you'll tell me you've been doing fine
    And walk away from me once more.

    I try to run away from sad regrets
    The bitter wine won't help me to forget
    That I locked up my heart and threw away the precious key

    Another night, another day, I'll see you standing in my way
    I'll stop and say "hello, my friend"
    Another place, another time, you'll tell me you've been doing fine
    And walk away from me once more.


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