Текст песни: Magic (Joe Cocker)

Содержание: Текст песни: Magic (Joe Cocker). Слова: In my life I've seen sorrow Heartache and pain I've been burned by the sunshine Been drowned in the pouring rain Had too many lovers And not enough love I've been tried ...

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текст песни Joe Cocker - Magic

MagicJoe Cockerтекст песни

    In my life
    I've seen sorrow
    Heartache and pain
    I've been burned by the sunshine
    Been drowned in the pouring rain
    Had too many lovers
    And not enough love
    I've been tried and convicted
    For things I'm not guilty of
    I was locked in a prison
    Till you came and set me free
    So how can you say
    You're no good for me

    Now that the magic has gone
    You just wanna walk away
    Nothing left to say, anyway
    Now that the magic has gone
    There's no sense in holding on
    Baby now, now that the magic is gone

    You know love can be tender
    Love can be cruel
    It can smile like an angel
    While it treats you just like a fool
    It captures and haunts you
    Until you give in
    And it stacks the dice against you
    In a game you never can win
    Just when I was thinking
    Maybe luck was here with me
    You tell me it's over
    Say it's time for breaking free

    Now that the magic has gone
    You just wanna walk away
    Nothing left to say, anyway
    Now that the magic has gone
    There's no sense in holding on
    Baby now, now that the magic is gone

    I won't try to hold you down
    My mind tells me let go
    But my heart keeps asking how
    There's no prizes for the loser
    Only the winner takes the purse
    Some say that love is a blessing
    But to me it's just a curse

    Now that the magic has gone
    You just wanna walk away
    Nothing left to say, anyway
    Now that the magic has gone
    There's no sense in holding on
    Baby now that the magic is gone
    Now that the magic has gone
    You just wanna walk away
    Nothing left to say


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