Текст песни: Mambo N5 (Lou Bega)

Содержание: Текст песни: Mambo N5 (Lou Bega). Слова: One, two, three, four, five everybody in the car so come on let's ride To the liqueur-store around the corner the boys say they want some gin and juice but i really don't ...

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текст песни Lou Bega - Mambo N5

Mambo N5Lou Begaтекст песни

    One, two, three, four, five
    everybody in the car so come on let's ride
    To the liqueur-store around the corner
    the boys say they want some gin and juice
    but i really don't wanna
    beerbust like i had last week
    I must stay deep cause talk is a cheap
    I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita
    and as I continue you know they're gettin sweeter
    so what can I do I really beg you my Lord
    to me flirtin it's just like a sport
    anything fly it's all good let me dump it
    please set in the trumpet

    Chorus :
    a little bit of Monic in my life
    a little bit of Erica by my side
    a little bit of ita is all I need
    a little bit of Tina is what I see
    a little bit of Sandra in the sun
    a little bit of Mary all night long
    a little bit of Jessica here I am
    a little bit of you makes me you're man


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