Текст песни: Speak to me (Michael Franks)

Содержание: Текст песни: Speak to me (Michael Franks). Слова: From the Towers of Babylon The beat goes on- All voices of the insincere. Confusion is middle C Your frequency is what I need to hear. Why won't you speak to me? Show me ...

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текст песни Michael Franks - Speak to me

Speak to meMichael Franksтекст песни

    From the Towers of Babylon
    The beat goes on-
    All voices of the insincere.
    Confusion is middle C
    Your frequency is what I need to hear.

    Why won't you speak to me?
    Show me some affection,
    Give me some direction,
    Lead me to your love?
    Just speak to me-
    Don't torture me with silence.
    Solitude's a science
    I would rather not learn.
    For you I would lose my heart.
    How can you refuse my heart?

    Legend says Michelangelo
    Was moved to throw
    His hammer at the statue's knee.
    Resembling flesh and bone
    Its mouth of stone
    Was quiet company


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