Текст песни: Love Hurts (Nazareth)

Содержание: Текст песни: Love Hurts (Nazareth). Слова: Love hurts love scares love wounds and mares any heart Not tough nor strong enough to take a lot of pain Take a lot of pain love is like a cloud holds a lot of rain. Love ...

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текст песни Nazareth - Love Hurts

Love HurtsNazarethтекст песни

    Love hurts
    love scares
    love wounds and mares any heart
    Not tough nor strong enough to take a lot of pain
    Take a lot of pain
    love is like a cloud
    holds a lot of rain.
    Love hurts
    love hurts
    I'm young I know but even so
    I know a thing or two I've learned from you
    I've really learned a lot
    really learned a lot.
    Love is like a stove
    burns you when it's hot.
    Love hurts
    love hurts
    some fools rave of happiness

    some fools fool themselves
    I guess

    But they're not fooling me I know it isn't true

    it isn't ture. Love is just a lie made to make you blue.
    Love hurts
    love hurts.

    Love hurts
    love scares
    love wounds and mares any heart
    . . .


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