Текст песни: Always and forever (Luther Vandross)

Содержание: Текст песни: Always and forever (Luther Vandross). Слова: Always and forever Each moment with you Is just like a dream to me That somehow came true, yeah And I know tomorrow Will still be the same Cuz we got a life of love That ...

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текст песни Luther Vandross - Always and forever

Always and foreverLuther Vandrossтекст песни

    Always and forever
    Each moment with you
    Is just like a dream to me
    That somehow came true, yeah

    And I know tomorrow
    Will still be the same
    Cuz we got a life of love
    That won't ever change and

    [1] - Everyday love me your own special way
    Melt all my heart away with a smile
    Take time to tell me you really care
    And we'll share tomorrow together
    Ooh baby, I'll always love you forever

    Ever, ever, ever
    There'll always be sunshine
    When I look at you
    It's something I can't explain
    Just the things that you do
    If you get lonely
    Call me and take
    A second to give to me
    That magic you make and

    [Repeat 1]

    [Ad lib until fade]

    текст добавил: Александр


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