Текст песни: Love foolosophy (Jamiroquai)

Содержание: Текст песни: Love foolosophy (Jamiroquai). Слова: Baby Baby, I feel these sweet sensations Honey honey, looks like a superstar She' got a promise of love-struck fascination What am I to do? How am I to know? Who you are ...

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текст песни Jamiroquai - Love foolosophy

Love foolosophyJamiroquaiтекст песни

    Baby Baby, I feel these sweet sensations
    Honey honey, looks like a superstar
    She' got a promise of love-struck fascination
    What am I to do? How am I to know?
    Who you are

    When this love, Fool, osophy is killing
    Previous illusions that
    I had in my mind about you
    Seems so true, all the lies you're telling
    Tragically compelling and
    My love it means nothing to you
    So maybe I'm still a love Fool

    She shimmers like a California sunset
    Lady lady, glitters but theres no gold
    She carries sweetly infectious magic formulas
    I'm so delirious, is she that serious?


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