Текст песни: Tango (Vaya Con Dios)

Содержание: Текст песни: Tango (Vaya Con Dios). Слова: Your eyes may thrill me with gladness And tell me you`re true, dear Yet thoughts still fill me with sadness And what can I do, dear? I wonder if you are free I wonder if ...

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текст песни Vaya Con Dios - Tango

TangoVaya Con Diosтекст песни

    Your eyes may thrill me with gladness
    And tell me you`re true, dear
    Yet thoughts still fill me with sadness
    And what can I do, dear?

    I wonder if you are free
    I wonder if you are free

    Do you belong just to me?
    I`m always jealous of you, dear
    I`m not to be
    I am jealous of you, darling
    Why am I so jealous, darling?
    Sad are the fancies that throng
    Through my heart everyday
    Lest someone else come along
    Who can steal you away
    All your beauty I would own
    I would have you mine alone
    Fear that someday we may part
    Still consumes me with pain
    What would become of my heart
    If I loved you in vain?


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