Текст песни: How could my angel break my heart (Tony Braxton)

Содержание: Текст песни: How could my angel break my heart (Tony Braxton). Слова: I heard he sang a lullaby I heard he sang it from his heart When I found out thought I would die Because that lullaby was mine I heard he sealed it with a kiss He gently ...

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текст песни Tony Braxton - How could my angel break my heart

How could my angel break my heartTony Braxtonтекст песни

    I heard he sang a lullaby
    I heard he sang it from his heart
    When I found out thought I would die
    Because that lullaby was mine
    I heard he sealed it with a kiss
    He gently kissed her cherry lips
    I found that so hard to believe
    Because his kiss belonged to me

    How could an angel break my heart
    Why didn't he catch my falling star
    I wish I didn't wish so hard
    Maybe I wished our love apart
    How could an angel break my heart

    I heard her face was white as rain
    Soft as a rose that blooms in May
    He keeps her picture in a frame
    And when he sleeps he calls her name
    I wonder if she makes him smile
    The way he used to smile at me
    I hope she doesn't make him laugh
    Because his laugh belongs to me

    How could an angel break my heart
    WhY didn't he catch may falling star
    I wish I didn't wish so hard
    Maybe I wish our love apart
    How could an angel break my heart

    Oh my soul is dying, it's crying
    I'm trying to understand
    Please help me

    How could an angel break my heart
    Why didn't he catch my falling star
    I wish I didn't wish so hard
    Maybe I wished our love apart


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