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Membersand authors creative work

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Владимир (62) Donetsk / Russia
about: военный пенсионер
author: poet
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Вадим (53) Minsk / Belarus
about: диспетчер
author: no
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Дмитрий (47) Yekaterinburg / Russia
about: рабочий
author: no
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Наталья (37) Bolshoj Kamen / Russia
about: пение
author: no
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Инна (68) Voronezh / Russia
about: концертимейстер
author: no
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Вадим (76) Ilinsko-Podomskoe / Russia
about: учитель
author: no
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Яна (37) Moscow / Russia
about: услуги
author: no
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about: --
author: no
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Дмитрий (42) KYIV / Ukraine
about: музыкант
author: no
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Natalia (31) Ordzhonikidze / Ukraine
about: токарь,вкалист
author: poet, vocalist
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Koma (41) Krasnoyarsk / Russia
about: служащий
author: no
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Алёна (47) St.-Petersburg / Russia
about: менеджер
author: no
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Алина (28) Chelyabinsk / Russia
about: вокальный исполнитель
author: no
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Ирина (73) Charlotte / USA
about: пенсионерка
author: no
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Елена (56) St.-Petersburg / Russia
about: учитель музыки
author: no
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Владимир (68) Burundai / Kazakhstan
about: музыка
author: no
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Noma (39) Moscow / Russia
about: music
author: no
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Сергей (46) St.-Petersburg / Russia
about: воспитатель
author: no
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Leo (54) Moscow / Russia
about: pevets
author: no
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